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Very Revd. Dr. Samuel E. Nketsia
Very Rev Dr. Samuel E. Nketsia is an ordained Minister Methodist Church Ghana. He was born and bred in Winneba in the central Region to a Ministerial home. He is therefore a son of the Manse.
He holds Doctor of Ministry and Master of Art in Religious Education degrees from New York Theological Seminary USA and Bachelors in Education degree in Guidance and Counseling from Winneba University of Education. He is a Professional Teacher and a Counselor.
He had his Ministerial Training at Trinity Theological Seminary in Legon, Accra. Ghana. He graduated and Commissioned in 1998 with Diploma in Theology, Diploma in Religious Education and Certificate in Ministry. Very Rev'd Dr. Nketsia was ordained in 1991.
Osofo Nketsia has served as Circuit Minister in.
* Akim Kotokuom, Akim Asuom in the Oda Diocese
* Akim Moseaso in the Koforidua Diocese
* Agona Nkwanta in the Sekondi Diocese
* Gomoa Potsin in the Winneba Diocese
* Ghana United Methodist church in the Bronx U.S.A.
As a Superintendent Minister:
* Dixcove Circuit in the Sekondi Diocese
* Swedru North Circuit (Calvary) in the Winneba Diocese
* New Tafo Circuit (Dunwell) Circuit in the Kumasi Diocese
* Newark New Jersey Circuit in North America Diocese.
He has been Circuits and Diocesan Chaplains of Mens Fellowship, Christ Little Band, Choir, Singing Band and unprecedented Connexional Singing Band Chaplain for Ten (10) years running.
Basically Pastor Nketsia believes he has been called to make the salvation of Christ Known to all humankind. Called to make disciples of all nations. There are different categories of people to reach and there must be different approaches to to use to present the gospel. His goal is to affect this generation both young and old in a positive manner.
He is married to a prayerful, hardworking and supportive wife Mrs. Elizabeth Nketsia with whom God has graciously blessed their marriage with four (4) children: two (2) males and two (2) females. Andrews, Abigail, Ebenezer and Beatrice.
Very Rev. Dr. Samuel E. Nketsia is hardworking, jovial, sociable and affable.